Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Rough Cut

The rough cut shows our basic idea, with the clips going between each of the different characters, it also shows us what we will need to improve in our final cut for example, the actual cutting between each of the clips, most importantly the last few clips near the end as they need to follow on from each other without much movement of the camera, so that it will work. This rough cut was over a minute longer than we expected which allowed it to be cut down to make it more interesting, and to keep the audience interested in what is going on.

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Friday, 6 February 2009

Props and costumes:

In Our opening sequence we have the total of three characters (one unnamed)
The first character that we will need to organize some props and costume for will be our character called Lewis (the boy from the real world).
Costume: He ideally will need to wear some smart casual clothing, making him look as if he makes an effort, the clothing will however be certified closer to the time.
Props: He will need a back pack which we can just use one of the groups bags, we will also need for certain shots, a large text book, as well as the normal school equipment, that will be all that we will need for all the shots that he is in.
For the second character (from the fictional world) will need:
Costume: something simple, nothing too stylish or brightly colored, perhaps a dull but natural color.
Props: He will not heed anything as such however we may change this closer to the time.
The third character we will need something simple, but quite weird, not, not average clothing, perhaps a low hanging coat.
The rest of the characters, will not need any props as they can use what they have on them.
These props and costumes are easy to get hold because if my group cannot provide any of them I will definitely able to.


Locations, that are easy to get to:

Because of the snow we have been having this week, I have not been able to confer with the rest of my group, as they have not been in lessons at all this week, for various reasons.
So I have decided to make it easier for us to catch up with the schedule, that we should use the locations in Long Road, which we where originally planning anyway. For shooting the scenes that we were originally deciding to shoot possibly, at one of our groups gardens, however to make it easier, I have seen an ideal location, that we can use that is close to Long Road, but is ideal for the shoots that we are planning for one of our characters, I have decided on these particularly easy to get to locations, so that we film during lesson time. I will still have to confer with my group to see if they approve of these locations.


Complications when prepering for shooting:

My group have had a few major complications which have set us back quite a bit, for example, with the snow we have been having, Long Road was closed on Tuesday, so we could not organize when we could book the camera and take it out for filming. Then, the rest of the week none of my group have turned up for media, so again I have not been able organize when or where we are going to shoot.
However I have decided where we can shoot, so that we can catch up, with our Rough Cut deadline, this could be set back however if my group if they do turn up next week, and disagree with these locations or if they may not be able to reach this, then we may have to resort to, a less effective location for the rough cut.

I hope that we will not have any of these complications, while we are planning and filming our final cut.


Thursday, 5 February 2009


When we start shooting, we probably will be located in Long Road, where we will be using a classroom to film one of particular shots, in this shot we will need to enlist the help of a few people outside the group so that we can gain an effective classroom situation, instead of it being obvious that it was done with only one actor making it less like a film. So we will probably enlist the help of a few of our friends that have frees the same time as us. If we do use them then this particular shot will need a lot more effort into all the roles that we play for example directing so that everyone will know what they are doing at a given time. Another example as well would be the cameraman as he ill need enough space to move the camera round, and keep it steady.


A possible way to do the music for the opening sequence:

The music that we will incorporate in our opening sequence, will probably be to separate types, one quite dark will the other is quite cheerful the only things that we will have to consider when we do this to make it work would be to have both tracks in a similar key, and also to have similar parts in each track so that when we switch between them gradually, it will not cause distress or sound out of place, instead we want it to fit in with each other so that they can work with the moods of the characters. Finally, near the end of the tracks and the opening sequence we will want the tracks to merge in with each other so as you will be getting to different moods from the characters in the same shots so, the music will have to merge because of that.


Effects that we could Incorporate in the editing:

To give a good effect to our opening sequence once we have filmed it and started the editing, would be to change the images, by raising or lowering the brightness, to reflect the mood. Also we could incorporate changing the contrast of the images by changing the color levels, especially for the footage of the boy called Jasper, who in the film comes from a type of fantasy realm. To make the scenery in this realm look fantastical we would change the color contrast, as well as, brightness, just to make it a little more like this type of landscape is impossible to come across in real life.


Location Ideas, and Complications to face.

When we go out to shoot we will be using a wide range of locations to bring forward our rough cut. Firstly, when we shoot the sequences for our character Lewis we will probably be using locations in and around Cambridge, some examples of these would be of rural city streets, but majority of shots for Lewis will be shot around college, in the classroom and just outside one of the blocks.
For the sequence involving our character Jasper we will probably shooting outside of Cambridge, perhaps in a park or woodland which would be more preferable. We have decided to take photos of our surrounding area to so that we can compare them and then decide where would the best place to shoot our opening sequence. The only complication then is that will we all be able to reach the preferred location or do we have resort to another location so that we all can get to it, so we may have to allow for some leeway.
We will also have to keep an eye on the weather so that when we do start filming we will be filming in the desired weather conditions to give the idea mood to the film.
